
Puppy Love

A pileup waiting to happen

Dance for mind and body

An interesting point raised in this story about the tiger and the donkey. Whilst I get it that on a day to day basis a more stoic response would be beneficial by basically not wasting your energy on nonsense but what if the donkey told other donkeys that he was right and it was confirmed by the Lion king? What if the asleep sheep, sycophant serpents and  meddling monkeys believed, humoured or were incentivised by the donkeys? Would that explain the expression, ´Led by donkeys´? So maybe the brave lion and sharp eyed tiger, weren´t so wise as to potentially lead to their own downfall? When does dissent by silence work over nipping nonsense in the bud before all kinds of unintelligent ideologies become the norm or until the other animals in the jungle are afraid to speak up?  This of course would all take on a different level of discussion, using the Integral and  AQAL principles !